The Company Matchtool is Coming!
We're VERY excited about this development: fill out your company culture preferences, and find out which companies match with you!
Open for companies NOW, open for jobseekers at the end of May!

Company culture isn't wrong or right. What matters is the match!
If you like an informal work atmosphere and can't wait to become friends with your colleagues, a company with formal work structures whose events focus on professional skills might not be your match. And that's fine! But wouldn't it be nice to know that beforehand?
In comes the Matchtool, built in collaboration with our partner website
Open for companies NOW!
Simply login to the company dashboard to rate statements about your company's culture, habits and values.
When the Matchtool opens for jobseekers, your company will show up in the results of jobseekers filling out the Matchtool!
Open for jobseekers end of May!
I know you're excited, WE ARE TOO!
But we have to give as many companies as possible a little bit of time to fill out their company culture information. That way, you'll get a better overview of your matches! Check at the end of May - and again in the future! More companies join every day. :)
What's most important to you?
Both companies and jobseekers are able to indicate what's important to them in the match they're looking for. And jobseekers will be able to see if the company finds the same topics important!
- Company culture
- Work structure
- Sustainability and impact
- Professional development
- Personal well-being