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Talk to researchers and teachers to help find internships

Some networking advice from a lecturer to help you land your dream internship: talk to as many people as possible including teachers and researchers

Cassandra Kraaijenbrink

Cassandra Kraaijenbrink, a lecturer at the UMCG's Department of Movement Sciences, advises her students to talk to as many people as possible about possible internship and work opportunities.

“Teachers, researchers and of course the study advisor have many contacts and relevant networks on and around the Campus. As a student, this naturally feels like a big hurdle, but it does work. It is also about awareness. Realize that your education gives you a lot of knowledge of data and that you can think very analytically. That will be gold later on the labour market!” she told Campus Groningen for its Place to be Campaign.

Kraaijenbrink is also the thesis supervisor of Eline van den Bosch, a third-year student of Movement Sciences at the University of Groningen (RUG). In 2023 she did her thesis on a combined arm-leg ergometer. This ergometer is intended for rehabilitation of people after a leg amputation or after a stroke.

You can read more about what other words of advice Cassandra Kraaijenbrink and Eline van den Bosch in the full interview here.