Barnabas Rohr, Intern at ACS Buildings in Groningen
Barnabas is an Engineering student at Hanze University. He is currently doing an internship at ACS Buildings in Groningen.
For his internship project, he has to come up with a plan on how to make the Hanze University building more energy efficient. And ACS Buildings makes products and programs that help buildings save energy, so it's such a perfect match!

"There is nothing I dislike about the internship at ACS. I’m 100% positive about it."
What brings you to the Netherlands?
Good question! I was checking about different places I could go to and in the end it was pretty random. But some people around me also had an impact on me and I ended up choosing the Netherlands.
What do you like most about this country?
I was mostly living in Groningen but I’d say everyone is happy, especially compared to Hungary. That’s what I like best. I’d really recommend Groningen for students.
Was the working culture here something you expected?
It’s similar to what I expected but it’s a good feeling like outside – an atmosphere that fits with the culture of the country. Comparing the working culture to that of Hungary I’d say it’s quite different – one is not necessarily bad, but they’re different.
What was the most challenging part of moving to a new place?
Do you speak Dutch?
No. I understand certain things but I don’t speak it. In Groningen everyone speaks English. In the first few years I didn’t even realise that I was speaking English so much.
What is your internship about?
It’s connected to mechanical engineering. I study at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and for my internship with ACS Buildings I’m looking at solutions to improve the energy efficiency of a building. Coincidentally, it’s a building from my own university. There is nothing I dislike about the internship at ACS. I’m 100% positive about it.
Are you able to combine the internship with your studies?
I’m currently studying and I’ll finish my bachelor’s in around one and a half years. This is a full time internship so I don’t have to do anything else, just work so it’s not hard, it’s doable.
Do you plan on working in the Netherlands after you’ve graduated?
I definitely want to have some working experience here before I move out from the Netherlands, but I doubt I’ll stay here forever.
How do you make yourself stand out when applying for an internship in Groningen?
Bosses like it when you have certain hobbies that are connected to your studies. And if you can talk about it and they see how motivated you are about it. It shows that you might not have all the knowledge yet, but that you definitely want to improve in that field. I think this helps a lot.
Any other tips for other internationals that want to do an internship here?
In my case, like with engineering, I think it’s relatively easy to find an internship, even if you don’t speak Dutch. There’s a lack of people in the engineering field. So I think it’s definitely easier than many other fields. However, you should definitely look up information on the internet about how it all works. Because if you just moved out from your home country, you’ve gotten used to those rules. So now you have to check how things are done here to prepare yourself.
The interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.
Article and interview by Christoph Schwaiger. Video by Julia Dumchenko and Daindra Utami.
This article is originally published in The Northern Times.