Buddies for young newcomers

Friend4friend is a buddy project for young Dutch people and young newcomers between 16 and 27 years old.
At friend4friend, young newcomers and young Dutch people help each other. You learn up close what it means to build a future in a country where you don't know the people, the language and the customs. You get to know a new (Dutch) language and culture.
- To participate in friend4friend, you do not need any specific skills or qualities.
- It is especially important that you enjoy getting to know another person and can make the time to go out with your buddy.
- Friend4friend pairs you up with a buddy.
- Together for six months, on average 4 hours a week, you hang out together and do fun things. Think about going to the ice rink or museum. Going out on a terrace, doing language exercises or playing sports together is also possible. This way, you get to know each other better in a relaxed way.
- In addition, you will do voluntary work together. Something that suits your interests or future plans for work or education. Together, you can, for example, work at a community centre, a school, in healthcare or at a sports club. Or you could set up your own initiative.
- This is how you get to know each other's worlds and new people! At the end of the course, you will receive the European Certificate for Volunteers.
- Here you can read what else is interesting and you can read about how much fun Sofie and Sara are having doing it.
Subscribe via the friend4friend website. You will be invited for an intake interview and matched with a buddy. You then decide together when you will meet. During your participation, you will be guided by the friend4friend coaches. They are there to coach and support you and help you find suitable volunteer work. Besides personal guidance, group meetings take place with all couples once every six weeks. At the end of friend4friend, you will have made new connections, learned a new language, gained insight into a different living environment and maybe even made a new friend!"
More information or registration? Mail Annemieke Tolsma, groningen@friend4friend.nl or call 06-43777999.