Startfest Hoogezand
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- Nieuweweg 8 Hoogezand.
Join StartFest, the biggest work and development event in the North of the Netherlands. Free and for everyone to visit. No need to sign up. Meet both educators and companies who are waiting for new talent. A vibrant festival with food trucks, live music, and a unique program centered around work, opportunities, and development.

Startfest Hoogezand
What is StartFest?
StartFest is the festival dedicated to your growth. Don’t expect a typical job fair! Startfest is a vibrant festival with food trucks, live music, workshops (for those who do speak Dutch), and a unique program centered around work, opportunities, and development. Interactions with educators, companies, and organizations will offer insights into the possibilities for your future. Need personal assistance? Stop by the StartPoint at the entrance!
What is StartPoint (StartPunt)?
The StartPoint is the place to kick off your visit to StartFest. You can go there with all your questions about work or education. Whether you want information about a specific profession or want to discover your talents and possibilities, step inside the StartPoint. Guides are ready to assist you on your journey- one of which is specfically there to represent Make it in the North! No registration required. Find us there and we'll point you in the right direction to make the most of the festival.
Who can attend StartFest?
Everyone is invited! Whether you’re in search of employment, exploring other (volunteer) opportunities, or taking the next step in your development. All are welcome, whether young or old, in school, job-seeking, or already working! You don't need to register and it's free.
Where can I find opportunities for English speaking internationals at StartFest?
We don't know which companies hire English-speaking internationals who don't speak Dutch yet at StartFest. However, we always encourage networking to broaden your horizons. Who knows, you might meet someone who turns out to be just the connection you needed to find your dream job!
Of course, you can find Make it in the North at our stand (it will be close to Startpunt), to talk to us, get pointers and career advice. Make sure to prepare your CV, Linkedin, and read our helpful article on networking so you can get the most out of this event!
More information
Check out this flyer for more information in English about StartFest. Please note that the English translation of the StartFest website is not up-to-date. Keep an eye on this event page on the Make it in the North website for details and feel free to contact us if you have any questions!