GroningenSail: Career in Energy
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- Oude Boteringestraat 19 Groningen.
- free
The GroningenSail program for students and young professionals is part Nederlands, part English. Find out below what the program offers you on Thursday 6 June. Also check out the option to visit local companies on Friday 7 June!

The Groningen Metropolitan Region is frontrunner in the energy transition. During GroningenSail, we're showing off! On this page is the Thu 6 June 2024 program specifically for students and young professionals who are interested to contribute to the energy transition in the Northern Netherlands.
Spots are limited, so sign up asap to get in!
❌ Nederlands programma ❌
❌ Nederlands programma vervalt door te weinig aanmeldingen. Engelstalig programma is wel toegankelijk en daar zijn nog enkele plekkies!
14:30 walk-in
15:00 Sessie 1:
Young professional in energie: dit wordt jouw netwerk!
Hoe ziet het werkende leven eruit als je in de energie gaat werken? En hoe maak je contact met andere young professionals? Tijdens deze sessie krijg je een kijkje in het young energy professional leven in Groningen!
Sprekers: Talentweb Groningen, Young Energy Professionals, Vrouwen in Energie Netwerk
15:45 pauze
16:00 Sessie 2:
Innovatie, traineeships en carrière maken in de noordelijke energietransitie
Noordelijke innovatie in de energietransitie is er genoeg. Laat je meenemen in de ontwikkelingen, en leer hoe jij als (binnenkort) kersvers afgestudeerde bij kan dragen.
Sprekers: New Energy Coalition
17:00 Borrel met energieprofessionals en beleidsmakers, nationaal en internationaal
English program
14:30 walk-in
15:00 Session 3:
A career in cybersecurity and the energy transition
Join speakers from TNO (platform for innovation) to hear how work on their groundbreaking projects contributes to the energy transition, both in energy projects AND cybersecurity projects. A great session for people with an interest in digital and energy.
Speakers: TNO
15:45 break
16:00 Session 4:
Innovation and jobs in hydrogen
Hydrogen Valley Campus Europe is set to launch in Groningen, and with transport and industry processes increasingly switching to hydrogen, it's great to know what's happening, who's doing it, and what job opportunities there will be.
Speakers: Resato, UoG
17:00 Drinks with energy professionals and policymakers, Dutch and international
All sessions take place at the Van Swinderenhuys (Oude Boteringestraat 19) in Groningen