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PAQUES Biomaterials

Welcome to PAQUES Biomaterials
Let's get to know each other!
18 10 2021 Paques Balk Bacterieen Plastic Milieu Leeuwarder Courant MK 2021 6 1536×1024
Our company profile
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Founded
  • (Green) Chemistry
  • Watertech
Sustainable Development Goals
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
9. Industry, Innovation and infrastructure

Paques Biomaterials produces Caleyda: a natural alternative to plastic, with all its advantages but without its disadvantages.

Our vision:
A civilisation in symbiosis with nature.

Since the industrial revolution mankind has exploited nature without taking the ecosystem boundaries into account. Although this has brought us incredible wealth, over time this has brought us further and further away from a planetary equilibrium. This is not sustainableā€¦

At Paques Biomaterials we believe that prosperity and sustainability can go hand in hand. Our biomaterials are naturally produced using renewable resources. In harmony with nature.

Microplastics pollution

Human society is addicted to plastics, consuming millions of tons per year. Plasticā€™s use brough prosperity due to its great mechanical and barrier properties. However, its leakage to the environment leads to accumulation of microplastics, which can nowadays be found in every corner of Earth and in most living beings, including ourselves! Its concerning effects in the environment and living organisms are now coming to light, making it urgent to tackle the microplastics pollution from growing further.

Paques Biomaterials provides a solution to microplastics

We produceĀ Caleyda, a natural material replacement for Plastic, with the major benefit of being fully biodegradable in all Earth environments.Ā CaleydaĀ consists of PHA polymersĀ  produced by natural microbes that can be used in a wide variety of applications. These polymers offer better end of life options compared to other plastics, always preventingĀ  accumulation of microplastics in the environment.


Tjalke de Boerstrjitte 24, Balk

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