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Oro Muscles

Welcome to Oro Muscles
Let's get to know each other!
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Our company profile
  • Interested to hire PhDs
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • LIFE Cooperative
  • Lifescience & Health
  • Research & Development
  • Digital & IT
Sustainable Development Goals
3. Good Health and Well-Being
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

Built by athletes, for athletes. Dedicated to excellence in performance.

Oro Muscles was founded by a team of athletes and engineers. It began with an innate curiosity about what happens in the body, beyond what the eye can see.

We hypothesized that there was key information within the muscles that explained the root cause of sudden performance injuries, plateaus, and inefficient rehabilitation.

The muscles are the source of performance and the body’s first line of defense against physical injury. However, there was always a limitation to how muscle activity data could be used in the context of performance and rehabilitation. There was always a tradeoff between speed of analysis and depth of insight.

We set off to eliminate that tradeoff.
