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Hanze University of Applied Sciences

Welcome to Hanze University of Applied Sciences
Let's get to know each other!
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Our company profile
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Interested to hire PhDs
  • Hive Mobility
  • Education & Academic Research
Sustainable Development Goals
3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
7. Affordable and Clean Energy

share your talent. move the world.

​Hanze UAS is the oldest multidisciplinary university of applied sciences in the Netherlands. We engage in applied research and offer full-time and part-time degree programmes as well as stand-alone courses across four subject areas at over 30 locations in Groningen, Assen, Leeuwarden and Amsterdam. These subject areas consist of Business and Economics, People and Society, Technology and the Arts.

We are an engaged university

We want to mean something to the world. Together with global partners who share our ideals, we are working on innovation and a liveable future. We are helping to build a thriving region with up-to-date teaching and applied research. We work together and practise lifelong learning in varying learning communities. We call this engaged learning. We are committed and connected. We are nearby, know what is at stake and are accessible in every sense.

Zernikeplein 7, Groningen
Industrieweg 34A, Assen
Achter de Hoven 23, Leeuwarden

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