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Belsimpel | Gomibo

Welcome to Belsimpel | Gomibo
Let's get to know each other!
Gomibo Stand MWC 06 1170×650
Our company profile
  • Interested to hire PhDs
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Digital & IT
Sustainable Development Goals
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

Gomibo Group is the umbrella name for all the brands within our organisation: Belsimpel, Gomibo, Verifai, Tulip Assist, and Gomibo Platforms. Our shared goal is to make access to the digital world easier for everyone.

Gomibo Group (originally MobielWerkt B.V.) was founded in 2006 by Jeroen Doorenbos and Jeroen Elkhuizen. At the time, the telecom market was highly chaotic, with numerous providers all claiming to offer the best deal. The focus was on hitting targets rather than meeting customer needs. The two Jeroens decided to change the mobile world by truly putting the customer first.

Our core values guide the way we work at Gomibo. They define what we stand for, what unites us, and how we interact with each other. For every decision you make, our core values help ensure you’re on the right track. They also allow us to assess whether you’re a good fit for our culture.


Our jobs 15

Work student – International Customer Journey Specialist Germany (min. 16h/w)

Belsimpel | Gomibo
Waagstraat , Groningen
Oude Ebbingestraat 18A, Groningen