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Welcome to Abiant
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Our company profile
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Recruitment agency
Sustainable Development Goals
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

Abiant is the largest employment agency in the Northern Netherlands. We make a difference in people's lives by providing suitable work. Every day, more than 2,500 Abianters start their jobs with clients across the Northern Netherlands.

We know both our clients and candidates so well that we immediately recognize which job is the perfect fit for whom. And we are 100% committed to making that match. Our people are true go-getters—proactive, creative, and knowledgeable, always striving for the best results.

The involvement and motivation of foreign workers is greatly appreciated at the Dutch companies. Therefore there is a great need for workers from all over Europe. To be entitled to work in the Netherlands, it is required to have a European passport or ID card.

Abiant Groningen
Osloweg 110, Groningen