Hiring A Permitholder

One group of internationals that you might not yet have considered are English-speaking permitholders: ā€˜nieuwe noorderlingenā€™. Many of them have substantial prior work experience in their home countries, are highly educated, and are eager to apply their knowledge and skills in the Netherlands.

What's more, you don't have to arrange a work permit! Plus, your company can receive benefits and subsidies when hiring a permitholder, even if you only hire them for a short period of time. You can even access tailored help to get started in hiring permitholders.


Permitholders are asylum-seekers who have received a Dutch residence permit. This means that these individuals fled to the Netherlandsā€”mostly due to life-threatening crises in their home countries (for example, because of war)ā€”and have completed the entire civic integration (inburgering) process. As such, they possess a long-term residence permit that allows them to work freely in the Netherlands.

Different Hiring Schemes

When you hire a permitholder, you do not have to immediately commit to hiring them as a full-time employee. There are several different hiring schemes that an employer can choose from.

1) Placement for Work Experience Development (Werkervaringsplaats/Werkontwikkelplek)
The purpose of this placement is to help permitholders get familiar with the Dutch workplace, to improve their work experience and professional knowledge. Under this hiring scheme, the permitholder is still entitled to benefits from the government, and therefore the employer does not have to pay a salary.

2) Trial Placement (Proefplaatsing)
Employers can also hire a permitholder on a trial basis for a short period. During this trial period, employers do not have to pay the permitholder as they are still entitled to receive benefits from the government. After this trial period, the employer can then decide whether to hire the permitholder.

3) Language Internship (Taalstage)
This placement is intended for permitholders to learn the use of Dutch in the workplace. During this internship, the permitholder is still entitled to receive benefits from the government, and therefore the employer does not need to pay a salary.

Different Subsidies and Supports Available

When you hire a permitholder, even for just a short period, your company will be eligible for various subsidies and support to help your new permitholder employee learn Dutch and integrate into the workplace.

1) Subsidy Scheme to Support Employers in Hiring Permitholders (Subsidieregeling ondersteuning werkgevers inzetstatushouders)
This subsidy consists of ā‚¬6,000 per permitholder, and each employer can receive up to ā‚¬24,000 per year. To be eligible for this subsidy, the employer needs to ensure that the permitholder is given a position in the company where they can learn Dutch at a professional level and understand the organizationā€™s work culture.

2) Subsidy for Practical Learning (Apprenticeship) (Subsidie praktijkleren)
If you offer a permitholder a position where they can learn new skills while working within your company (an apprenticeship), there is a subsidy for the training you provide them. The amount of the subsidy depends on the training level, with a maximum amount of ā‚¬2,700 per work apprenticeship.

3) Wage Cost Subsidy Scheme (Regeling loonkostensubsidie)
For permitholders who cannot receive a full wage due to a disability, companies can access a wage subsidy through the municipality where the company is located. It is also possible to receive this subsidy when you employ a permitholder who, for example, does not speak fluent Dutch yet.

4) Social Return On Investment (SROI)
This is a one-off premieblok for hiring a person who does not speak fluent Dutch yet and cannot function well in the workplace due to language barriers. The premieblok amount is a one-off ā‚¬10,000 per permitholder. Please keep in mind that this is only available to companies who have SROI-obligation (SROI-verplichtingen - for example, if you are undertaking a project from the government or from municipality).

5) Language Coach / Job Coach
With almost every scheme, employers also have the opportunity to utilize a language coach or a job coach to support your new permitholder employees in improving their workplace communication skills. This service is offered free of charge through your local municipality, to ensure the permitholder can integrate into the new workplace more seamlessly.

Flyers by Gemeente Groningen (with information that applies within the municipality of Groningen)

Flyers by Divosa (with information that applies nationally)

1) Not all permitholders have been relocated to independent housing; some still reside at asylum center locations.
Permitholders who live at asylum centers need to report weekly to the location coordinators (meedoenbalie coordinators) to maintain their spot for the following week.
This check-in is not done by appointment; the location coordinators announce when the reception is open, and permitholders must stand in line to report. While this may occasionally impact your permitholder employeeā€™s ability to arrive at work on time, maintaining open lines of communication will allow your company to make necessary arrangements in advance.

2) Like many people fleeing from conflict, some permitholders have experienced traumatic events and might still be in the process of recovery.
They may require access to weekly healthcare services. Keeping communication open ensures they have the necessary time to visit healthcare providers if needed.
By understanding and accommodating these needs, your company can create a supportive and inclusive environment for permitholders, helping them to thrive both personally and professionally, and settle in well as new Dutchies.

What's next?: Employer's Service Point

Does this sound interesting, and would you like to seriously look into hiring a permitholder? 
That's awesome! Letā€™s get you connected to the Northern organizations that can guide you through the next steps.

For Companies in the Arbeidsmarktregio Groningen and Noord-Drenthe
We recommend you to schedule a free consultation with an account manager of Werk in Zicht who will support you step-by-step with the formalities process of hiring a permitholder (the process and arrangement for the accompanying benefit may differ per municipality).